Thursday, 3 October 2013

Planning My Music Magazine

My target audience in the category of age is teenagers. This is because it is going to be written from a teenager’s perspective.There is no specific gender that my magazine is targeted towards as I want my magazine to appeal to a much wider audience rather than one particular audience. Although, males are usually associated with rap/hip-hop music so my magazine may appear masculine.

The style my magazine will focus on is going to seem commercial, mainstream and will reflect to the colours that my genre of music’s industry represents. Moreover, my magazine will consist of artists associated with the movement of my genre such as Rihanna, Drake and BeyoncĂ©. The genre my magazine is based on is R&B as I am very familiar with this type of music and am comfortable with writing about it. Additionally, my magazine will focus on the present time’s music as this will appeal to my target audience the most. 

By looking at my survey that I created, on a particular question the majority of people answered that they buy no magazines. This indicates that the time period of when I sell my magazine is irrelevant. Despite this, I will most likely allow my magazine to come out every month as that is the average time period that most magazines come out.

The cost of my magazine is going to be a price where I could get a lot of sales, whilst maintaining the maximum amount of profit possible. By looking at the results I received back from my survey from the question: ‘What is the maximum amount you would pay for a music magazine’, I concluded the price my magazine will cost. Out of 15 people who answered the question, 7 answered ‘£2.01 - £3’. Despite this, nobody answered that they’d like to pay ‘£3.01 - £4’, indicating that I should make the price closer to £2.01 than £3. Therefore, I’ve chosen to sell my magazine and £2.49, primarily because most people are happy to pay this price and it will help me gain profit as it’s a good price. Also, £2.49 is, arguably, the highest possible price I could sell my magazine to make sure it sells whilst still gaining a considerably good amount of profit. 

I would like my magazine to appear glossy like Q Magazine, rather than a newspaper like NME. This is because a lot of glossy magazines are popular with consumers as they come across as more expensive and make the reader feel as if they’re getting a bargain. Also, my target audience, students, tend to be rather messy and/or clumsy. Due to this, if they spill food or drink on the magazine it can easily be cleaned as it’s a glossy magazine. 

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